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UXservices’s UX Design and Usability Mentor Book has been listed on Amazon Best Sellers list at its own category. Every month the book has been read by hundreds of UX Designers, Business Analysts and Usability Specialists in more than 10 countries  including United States, Japan, Italy, Germany, Mexico and India.

The motto of the book is: “building user interfaces around users”.


This can be achieved by applying a user centered approach that is a combination of best practice business analysis and UX design principles, tools, and techniques, including the following:

– Prototyping

– Usability testing techniques such as eye-tracking

– Lean product development with agile vs. waterfall

– Use cases

– User profiling

– Personas

– Interaction design

– Information architecture

– Content writing

– Card sorting

– Mind-mapping

– Wireframes

– Web page design guidelines

– Automation tools

– Customer experience evaluation

– Mobile UX design

The book includes real-life project experiences of UXservices team to help readers apply these best practices in their own organizations.

There is a common misunderstanding that user experience design is a matter of only visual user interface design; however a great user experience on a product can only be achieved if its user interfaces are not only visually aesthetic but also functional and usable.

This book is an extension of best-selling Business Analyst’s Mentor Book. Thanks to the integrated business analysis and UX design methodology it presents, UX Design and Usability Mentor Book can be used as a guideline to create products that are both functional and usable.