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BA-Works is an international Business Analysis Service company that provides consulting, business analysis outsourcing and IIBA® accredited trainings. BA-Works supports to more than 600 clients from EMEA region. All Business Analysis Services offered by BA-Works are fully compliant to IIBA® (International Institute of Business Analysis) methodologies.

Design Thinking + Doing Studio

Design Thinking + Doing Studio’s business analysis and design teams combine design principles with your business strategies to help you develop innovative solution ideas inspired by the insights of Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Service Design domains (Design Thinking) and implement these ideas with Agile methods (Design Doing).

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Agile Business Analysis Consulting Services

By benefiting from IIBA® Agile Business Analysis Framework, BA-Works consultants successfully support and conduct Business Analysis processes of Agile projects. The consulting service describes the areas of responsibility of the Business Analyst and Product Owner roles, and ensures that the Agile culture is applied to the Business Analysis processes.

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Business Analysis Outsourcing

With the development of technology, responding to rapidly changing business needs and continuously developing innovative products has become an inevitable condition for businesses.

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Business Analysis Capability Rating (BACR)

In order to successfully complete the projects in the field of Information Technologies, it is very important that the business need is correctly understood and the requirements are completely determined.

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